B.E.S.T. Soft Tissue Technique

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.)

The Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) is a technique which is used by health care practitioners all over the world who practice healing of the body’s neurological system function, and who recognize that the body is more than the sum of its parts. It's a system of health care that is truly state-of-the-art in balancing the body’s energy fields. When these neurological energy fields are out of balance, symptoms develop and health deteriorates.

The Purpose of Pain

Pain is the body's alarm system, alerting you that there is something wrong. Pain from accidents or injuries like dislocated joint, or other physical injuries - isn't bad, but a warning system. The fastest way for your body to stop hurting is to balance the neurological energy fields, allowing you to repair and rebuild your damaged, painful condition.

Clinical experience has shown that B.E.S.T. is a painless, non-force methodology of treatment for many types of conditions often treated with medications and surgeries because it addresses the cause of the short-circuited neurological patterns instead of the symptoms.

Emotions and Thoughts Play a Big Role in Your Health

Your thoughts (i.e., mental stress) can change the way your body functions. What you think about is probably the most important factor regarding your overall health. It is possible to increase your heart rate, cause your shoulders to tense, bring on a headache, or become sick to your stomach just by thinking about it!

B.E.S.T. Updates Physical and Emotional Memory

By touching certain pressure points in the proper sequence, we have found that your body begins to recommunicate with your brain. Of course, your brain controls all functions in your body. When they work together, body balance, restoration of health, and feeling good are welcome results.

With the B.E.S.T. approach, we believe that there are virtually no conditions that your body cannot overcome or show improvement in. By balancing your body with B.E.S.T., we are attempting to do everything we can to allow your body to heal, repair, rebuild, and obtain its health.

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Office Hours

Our General Schedule

Mon - Thu
Fri - Sat
Appointment Only
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Our Location

101 N Uncompahgre Ave, Suite 1 | Montrose, CO 81401

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